Call for papers: Changing the World - A conference for early career researchers at Glasgow University. 7th November 2011

Open call for papers and posters

The aim of this conference is to facilitate discussion and raise awareness of the wide variety of research going on at Glasgow. Those presenting will gain valuable experience in communicating their work to a non-expert audience. Fingers crossed this may even result in some new friendships and new collaborations.

Other universities already host local conferences like this and we felt that it was about time Glasgow had a similar event.

Postgraduates and post-docs based at Glasgow University are invited to submit empirical and theoretical papers from across the full spectrum of science and the humanities . We would particularly encourage contributions that reflect on the impact your work may have, even if you are at an early stage of your research.

This event is supported by Vitae (, Glasgow University Postgraduates Society and a Glasgow University Research Initiatives Grant.

For further details contact David Ellis ( or Michael Comerford (


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